Türkiye is a country in the Alpine-Himalayan earthquake zone and needs an effective disaster management plan, with its geography experiencing severe seismic activities. In this respect, natural disaster risks can be reduced by using developing artificial intelligence technology and deep learning applications in the mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery phases that constitute the disaster management plan. This study examines deep learning models, application areas, deep learning layers and libraries used, and how deep learning can be used in the four stages of disaster management through study examples in the literature. The study aims to examine the use of deep learning in architecture and disaster management phases based on the earthquake factor as a result of the literature review. As a result, when studies on deep learning are examined, disaster management studies closely related to the discipline of architecture are mainly in the response phase. However, the discipline of architecture plays an important role at every stage of disaster management. In this respect, as holistic studies and applications related to deep learning, architectural science, and effective disaster management increase, the loss of life and property due to disasters, especially earthquakes, will decrease. The study carried out is thought to be an important guide for future research.
Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi
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