The transportation of Trabzon is mainly provided by road. The negative impact of the roads, which started with the construction of the Black Sea Coastal Road, then passed through the historical castle and continued with the Tangent Road, which destroyed important areas, on the city has reached an even more destructive level with the construction of new roads today. As a result of all these, serious deterioration was experienced in the historical texture of the city on the one hand and the urban skyline on the other, and the identity values of the city began to disappear. This study is important in terms of revealing the extent of the effects of transportation decisions on the city identity on the city of Trabzon. In addition, the study is an example for cities that have or may have similar problems. In the study, transportation decisions, practices and results are handled in a multifaceted way through the concept of "relationship", which defines spatial integrity. As a result, it has been revealed that the consequences of the transportation decisions to be taken in the city on the whole city and the urban life should be discussed.
Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi
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