1. Donbas State Engineering Academy, Kramatorsk — Ternopil, Ukraine
The article examines the latest scientific research and historical aspects of the game of chess, the influence of the game of chess on the intellectual development of a person (especially school-age children). From the point of view of educational and cognitive activity, the game of chess can be considered as a set of exercises for the human mind that develop mental abilities used throughout life, such as concentration, critical thinking, abstract thinking, problem solving, pattern recognition, strategic planning, creativity, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Checking and assessing the level of formation of important qualities (diagnostics) is quite difficult, but one of the most important areas of activity of scientists and teachers at various levels of education. The authors describe the essence of methods for diagnosing the ability to play chess in children and performed an analysis of methods for assessing the motivation of adults and methods of clustering when evaluating quantitative indicators. The practical value of the obtained results lies in the fact that diagnostic testing for determining the ability to learn the game of chess can be carried out in order to determine a person’s ability for analytical thinking, to identify the intellectual level of development, as well as the level of attentiveness and emotionality; it can also be considered as a set of psychological techniques that allow to reveal the potential for learning chess and the level of intellectual abilities. For the analysis of diagnostic methods, clustering methods were studied with the selection of the k‑means method as a mathematical basis for further implementation in the form of an information system. The k‑means method is used in a modified version with the addition of local search. The chosen method by the authors is proposed to be chosen as a basis for dividing applicants into training groups in sports chess schools according to their level of possession or ability to play chess. The results of the experiment showed a high level of productivity of the application of the proposed information technology based on the combination of the modified k‑means method with methods of psychological diagnosis of human mental abilities and the effectiveness of the developed information system on this basis.
Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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