
Dembitska S. V.1ORCID


1. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The urgency of the issue lies in the fact that the innovative development of society requires an appropriate reaction from the educational environment. Ensuring the demand for competent specialists with creative thinking is possible only by improving the methodological foundations of higher education. One of the promising areas is the implementation of an integrative approach. It is aimed at overcoming the isolated teaching of educational components and forming a unified system of knowledge in the minds of students. The conducted analysis of domestic and foreign publications proved the presence of persistent interest in the problem of integration in education, which additionally confirmed the relevance of the initiated research. It is justified that ensuring the quality of higher education is possible thanks to the perception of integrability as one of the key principles of modern didactics, but this requires the construction of educational systems with new properties and functions. Levels of implementation of integration in professional training (establishing intersubject connections, the combination of various forms of educational activities and ensuring interdisciplinary integration) and requirements for its effective implementation are highlighted. Our own experience of implementing an integrative approach, which was implemented in the process of training future specialists in the field of mechanical engineering (using the example of the integration of professional and labor protection disciplines), is given. The complications that arose at the same time (lack of coordination between the program’s educational components, uneven level of knowledge and skills of students, difficulties in the interaction between teachers of different disciplines, etc.) were identified, and ways of their elimination were proposed. Prospects for further study of the stated problem consist in the continuation of the initiated research in the context of finding optimal ways of forming and implementing interdisciplinary educational tasks, as well as updating the principles of scientific research work of students, taking into account the requirements of an integrative approach.


Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Reference12 articles.

1. Plachynda, T. (2016). Intehratyvnyi pidkhid pid chas profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv [The integrative approach during professional training of future specialists]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia: Pedahohika — Humanities studies. Series: Pedagogy, 3, 190–198 [in Ukrainian].

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