
Shvardak M. V.1ORCID


1. Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine


The article is devoted to webquest technology in computer science lessons in elementary grades. The purpose of the article is to provide a general description of the webquest technology, to study the specifics of its application in elementary school computer science classes, as well as to identify the impact of webquests on the quality of education. The essence of the concepts “webquest” and “webquest technology” has been clarified. The main idea of the webquest is defined, which consists in the active partnership interaction of students with each other and with web resources, which contributes to the development of motivation to study, information literacy and digital competence of schoolchildren. The main elements of webquest technology (scenario, tasks, resources, interactivity, evaluation) are defined. It was found that there are several classifications of webquests, one of the most optimal is the division of webquests by the level of technical complexity. The algorithm for preparing and conducting a webquest has been adapted for computer science lessons in elementary school. It was found that the webquest is built according to the logic of the technology of problem-based learning: from posing a problem to ways of solving it, presenting the result and reflection, which is aimed at the development of the student of education as an active subject of life: Several online resources for webquests are offered, which are advisable to use in lessons computer science in elementary grades (LearningApps.org, Kahoot!, Quizlet, Quizizz, Edpuzzle, Webquest). The topics in computer science for the fourth grade are offered, from which it is advisable to conduct webquests. The main features of the use of webquests in computer science lessons in elementary school are analyzed. Tethodological recommendations for teachers have been developed. It was found that when using webquests in computer science classes, certain challenges and limitations should be taken into account when using webquest technology in the educational process. It was determined that webquest technology is an effective means of developing information literacy and digital competence of junior high school students in computer science lessons in elementary grades.


Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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