Kuzmenko O. S.1ORCID, Savchenko I. M.2ORCID, Demianenko V. B.3ORCID
1. D. Sc. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics and Mathematics Disciplines, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskyi; Leading Researcher of the Department of Information and Didactic modelling, NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine 2. PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Researcher, Science Secretary, NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine 3. PhD in Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Information and Didactic Modeling, NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
The authors analyze the concept of symmetry and asymmetry in the process of teaching physics in technical institutions of higher education. The relationship between symmetry and asymmetry in the process of teaching physics based on STEM technologies is revealed. The use of fundamental ideas of physics (for example, symmetry and asymmetry) taking into account STEM technologies is highlighted. The interrelation of symmetry and conservation laws about their fundamentality is clarified; the technique of the integrated approach of physics and disciplines of the professionally-oriented profile, on an example of studying cosmetic loadings, is presented. It was found that the formation of independent cognitive-exploratory activities of students should use physics problems with consideration of fundamental concepts, such as symmetry caused by the development of motives, cognitive interest and scientific thinking and the acquisition of professional competencies. The demonstration of engineering and technical component of STEM education and development of methods of studying disciplines taught to students of technical institutions of higher education, taking into account the integrated approach and interdisciplinary links, is relevant. The transition to STEM training requires improving the methodology of teaching physics in terms of integrated, systematic, professionally-oriented approaches, which includes: the use of new methods, techniques, teaching aids that would help solve several methodological problems; application and introduction in the educational process of physics of interesting and important scientific achievements, as well as strengthening those aspects that stimulate and intensify the independent cognitive activity of students of technical institutions of higher education. It is established that to improve the quality of teaching physics in future technical specialists it is necessary to systematically improve the methodology of educational and cognitive activities, and more widely apply STEM-learning technologies, which leads to productive mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material. In the future, work on the study of this problem can be carried out in the following areas: development of a new approach to changing the structure and content of working curricula, improving the content and system of teaching physics taking into account STEM technologies, strengthening the connection between the teaching of physics course and the professional orientation of students of non-physical specialities of technical universities in the context of STEM education.
Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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