1. Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection – National Research Institute
2. Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB)
3. National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland
Cel: The aim of the article is to review information about motor vehicles that use alternative propulsion systems (in this case, electric propulsion) and the risks associated with their use. The discussion of these issues is crucial for undertaking rescue and firefighting operations during incidents (fires, local emergencies) involving alternatively powered vehicles and the effectiveness of these operations. Knowledge in the areas of: hazard identification, improvement of rescue technologies, necessary devices and equipment for effective rescue and firefighting operations during traffic incidents, including fires, with the involvement of vehicles with alternative propulsion systems can be gained from both theoretical and empirical studies. Wprowadzenie: Technical and technological advances in the area of drives used in vehicles and machinery pose new challenges for fire protection. They concern, among other things, the technology of rescue operations during fires and traffic accidents involving such vehicles, as well as ensuring fire safety when operating and storing them in buildings, garages and parking areas, and during charging. Metodologia: The article was prepared based on national and foreign sources, literature on the subject, research results and the authors’ diverse experiences. It describes the current state of knowledge in terms of hazards and how to deal with them during rescue and firefighting operations against incidents involving alternatively powered vehicles. Wnioski: The number of motor vehicles in Poland and other countries continues to grow, and together with it also the number of vehicles equipped with alternative drives to internal combustion engines (gasoline, diesel). An analysis of the literature on the subject, available research results, as well as individual incidents, lead to the reasonable conclusion that the risks during rescue and firefighting operations associated with the incidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles are no greater than for conventionally powered vehicles. They are different to some extent, which is due in particular to the used power system, which is based on energy storage devices – batteries. Słowa kluczowe: alternative propulsion, CNG, LNG, methane, LPG, ethane, propane, hybrid propulsion, electric vehicles, fuel cell, rescue, rescue and firefighting operations
CNBOP-PIB Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpozarowej
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Cited by
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