1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russia; Clinical Municipal Children Hospital St. Vladimir of the Department of Healthcare of Moscow
2. Clinical Municipal Children Hospital St. Vladimir of the Department of Healthcare of Moscow
Hemolytic — uremic syndrome (HUS) is one of the most severe conditions in pediatric practice. Acute kidney failure (AKF), which is a component of HUS, requires the earliest diagnosis and emergency medical care. Most of the young patients suffer from diarrhea-associated (D+) HUS, so ultrasound marks of kidney injury very important for young patients with severe hemocolitis. In this article we present the observation of preclinical diagnostics AKF the child 2 years and 11 month old with hemocolitis, when HUS’s marks (such as structure’s changes of the renal parenchyma and critical changes of renal hemodynamics) were detected before clinical manifestation AKF. This observation is illustrated with echograms and accompanied by a brief review of the literature.
Central Research Institute of Radiation Diagnostics
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