1. Smolensk State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; Clinical Hospital 1
The aim of this work is to evaluate possibilities of MR liver non-contrast perfusion in patients with diffuse liver diseases (DLD). Laboratory data, results of ultrasound examination with doppler ultrasonography of liver vessels, results of MRI with non-contrast MR perfusion (ASL-perfusion) of the liver was estimated in a group of patients with DLD. Potentials of assessment of ASL liver perfusion for clinical form prediction are described in the article. Potentials of using the assessment of ASL liver perfusion for information about a liver blood flow type and process activity indicators by blood chemistry are also described. It was established, that ASL MR of the liver is recommended to use in patients with diffuse liver diseases who admitted to a hospital, then in 1 month (in case of hypo/hyperperfusion) or in 6 months (in case of normal perfusion).
Central Research Institute of Radiation Diagnostics