1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Introduction. In the process of high-tech products commercialization, in particular, as the level of diffusion of such products increases, it is inevitable to reduce the level of innovation. Identification of this level is important for the adequacy of decision-making on the promotion of products, setting prices, application of methods for protecting information related to the production technology, etc.
The purpose of the paper is to determine the level of innovation of high-tech products of industrial enterprises in the process to their commercialization.
Results. The level of innovativeness of high-tech industrial products in the process of their commercialization was determined. For this purpose, a classification of the types of such products is proposed according to the signs of innovation: purpose, functionality, quality, price, and materials used. As a result of the study, a methodological approach to assessing the level of innovation of high-tech products of the enterprise is justified, which, in particular, includes: establishing signs of innovativeness of high-tech products of the enterprise; specification of types of products within each of the features; identification of the number of signs of innovativeness of the enterprise's high-tech product; determination of the level of innovation of high-tech products.
Conclusion. As a result, a method of determining the innovativeness of high-tech products has been developed, which consists in establishing the signs of innovativeness taking into account the peculiarities of their objective reflection at various stages of commercialization. Using this method, enterprise managers receive a tool for tracking changes in the level of innovation of the company's high-tech products, which is important for justifying the need to make managerial decisions about investing in improving or modifying products or curtailing its production project.
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