1. 1. E-commerce / L.A. Bragin et.al. Moscow: Ekonomist, 2005. 286 p. (in Russian)
2. 2. Minenkova N.V. International legal and national legal regulation of electronic commerce: dis. ... cand. law sciences: 12.00.03. Moscow, 2008. 225 p. (in Russian)
3. 3. Problems of unification of international private law: monograph / ed. A.L. Makovskiy, I.O. Hlestova. Moscow: IZiSP, Jurisprudence, 2012. 488 p. (in Russian)
4. 4. UNCITRAL Model Law "On E-Commerce and Adoption Guidelines". URL: https://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/texts/ electcom/05-89450_Ebook.pdf
5. 5. Law "On e-commerce" from 03.09.2015. (in Ukrainian)