Statistical analysis of the social and economic development of Ukrainian regions




The issue of the country's socio-economic development and analysis of its dynamics arises within the context of the transition to a market economy. The aim of the research is to consider the state of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine on the basis of the generalized multicriteria indicator, cluster analysis, as well as the multidimensional nonlinear regression model. To trace the presence of differentiation in the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine is especially important. The analysis implemented in the Thesis covers the widest range of indicators of the socio-economic condition of the regions of the country. An integral indicator of the socio-economic condition of the subjects of Ukraine has been offered as the main characteristic. The state statistical data have been used to construct a generalizing indicator. Ranking, as well as clustering of the country regions according to the selected indicators, makes it possible to more accurately determine which of them are the most developed. A multidimensional nonlinear model for forecasting the level of income of the Ukrainian population has been constructed on the basis of correlation and regression analysis. Conducting a comparative assessment of the socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions using integral indicator methods and cluster analysis, made it possible to identify a group of regions of Ukraine with a similar combination of feature values, as well as to determine the place and role of each of them in the national economy. This is of great importance for the development of the most crucial target programs for the economy, investment directions, and state support of lagging regions. The correlation regression model constructed has made it possible to identify the factors of the greatest impact on the change of population income levels, to determine the absolute and relative influence of the factors on the output indicators, and also to provide a reliable estimate of the future level of the output indicator, taking into account various conditions of the country's socio-economic development.


JSC Analityk

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