Problems of realization of the principles of equality and competitiveness in the criminal process: possibility of their solution by implementation of the private detective institute in Ukraine


HLOBA Anastasiia1ORCID


1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Introduction. The work considers the problem of implementation of private detective institute in the context of realization of the principles of equality and competitiveness in the criminal process. At present the relevancy of this institute is proved by numerous attempts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to adopt a relevant law. As scientists note, the current version of Draft Law contains a large number of shortcomings. At the same time, in Ukraine the problem of compliance of the provisions of the Code of the Criminal Process with the principles of equality and competitiveness in criminal proceedings remains controversial. Scientists have repeatedly studied this issue and suggested ways to solve them, but the corresponding changes have not yet been implemented. Such a solution is necessary to ensure respect for human rights, so it is important to consider the possibility of solving problems related to the implementation of the principles of equality and competitiveness through the introduction of the institution of private detective in Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is to examine the legal nature of the principles of equality and competitiveness in criminal proceedings, their interrelation, implementation problems, as well as the possibility of solving problems of implementation of these principles by introducing the institution of private detective in Ukraine. Results. Authors made an analysis of legislation, doctrine and international practice. It proved the importance of implementation of the institute of private detective. However, current Draft Law are not perfect and complete and cannot provide the improvement of realization of principles of equality and competitiveness in criminal proceedings. Conclusion. The position of Ukrainian criminal procedure law on compliance with principles of equality and competitiveness is not complete, as the defense has fewer opportunities to gather evidence than the prosecution represented by public authorities. To improve the situation with the principles of equality and competition, it is recommended to consider the introduction of the private detective institute in Ukraine. To do this, it is necessary to provide proper legislation in order for this institution to improve the situation in compliance with these principles.


JSC Analityk

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