Evaluation of human capital in the system of strategic enterprise management




1. Research Institute of Financial Policy of State Tax University

2. Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

3. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Introduction. The special role of strategic management of human capital in the implementation of the mission of the enterprise is proven. Human capital is the driver of the company's development, the main alpha-stacker of business processes, which creates additional value at the micro-level of the economy. It is the strategic management of capital, first of all, human capital, that allows the enterprise to achieve the strategic mission of the enterprise's functioning. The purpose of the paper is critical evaluation of existing methods of evaluating human capital in the system of strategic management of the enterprise. Results. The elements of the structure of human capital are considered: abilities, deployment, development, skills. Existing traditional methods of evaluating human capital at the enterprise are analyzed. A model for evaluating the human capital of the enterprise was built, taking into account the elements of human capital and age. It was determined that it is the combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment that makes it possible to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional assessments of human capital. Conclusion. Numerous studies and publications pay attention to the evolution of human capital, its evaluation in the strategic management system of the enterprise. From a conceptual standpoint, human capital does not have sufficient explanatory power, the assumption that the effectiveness of economic and social development largely depends on human capital is almost unanimously accepted in scientific circles. Hence, there are also corresponding concerns of the academic, business and public business community regarding the assessment of human capital and the impact on enterprise development. In this context, it is necessary to evaluate human capital at all levels of the life cycle of an individual.


JSC Analityk

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