Introduction: Special education policy is based upon integration in Türkiye. Hence, the professional competencies of teachers working with hearing-impaired students in the field of hearing impairments have a prominent role in this policy. This study aims to identify the teacher needs for the teacher competency training program in hearing impairments to be developed for teachers of hearing-impaired students.
Method: Qualitative research design was adopted in this study, and the data were collected by semi-structured interview on the professional knowledge and skills teachers need while teaching hearing-impaired students at different levels (primary, secondary, and high school) in the central districts of Sakarya. The data were analyzed by content analysis.
Findings: Through the data, the main themes of knowledge about the hearing impaired, communication models and hearing aids, teaching methods and techniques, and academic and professional skills were unfolded.
Discussion: In the literature, there are many studies that reveal the necessity and importance of needs analysis in studies to determine and develop teacher competencies and research results that are consistent with the findings of this study.
Conclusion and Suggestions: As a result of this research, what teachers with hearing-impaired students state about the education of hearing impaired are as follows: Definitions, classification and developmental characteristics of hearing-impaired children, diagnosis and evaluation processes, educational approaches and program adaptation, individualized education program (IEP) development and implementation, material preparation and educational environments using technology, communication models, hearing aids and assistive technologies, environment adaptation and effective classroom management. In addition, it was found that teachers neither have sufficient knowledge about family education nor find themselves sufficient in issues regarding hearing-impaired students, so they wanted to receive training. Based on the study results, suggestions, such as supporting teachers with pre-service and in-service training and providing them with expert support, were made.
Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Ozel Egitim Dergisi
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