Velopharyngeal Anatomy


Dickson David Ross1,Dickson Wilma Maue2


1. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2. Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


The velopharyngeal area was studied in seven adult and six fetal heads by gross microscopic dissection, and in one additional fetal head by histologic sectioning and staining. In all cases except one, fibers of the superior constrictor muscle were found to insert into the velum. The salpingopharyngeus muscle was absent bilaterally in six of the 14 heads and was sparse in those heads where it was present. The tensor palatini muscle attached to the lateral membranous wall of the eustachian tube in all cases. The levator palatini muscle always lay lateral to the torus tubarius and inserted into the velum over a broad area extending from the region of the anterior aponeurosis to near the uvula. Speculations regarding muscle function in velopharyngeal closure are presented.


American Speech Language Hearing Association



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1. Exploring Reliable and Identifiable Quantitative Anatomical, Timing, and Displacement Measures in the VFS of Speech;Journal of Craniofacial Surgery;2023-11-02

2. Development and Anatomy of the Human Middle Ear;Textbook of Otitis Media;2023

3. Palate Re-Repair for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Treatment: A Long-Term Auditory-Perceptual Assessment of Speech;Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups;2022-11-11

4. Histologic Investigation of the Salpingopharyngeus;Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research;2022-05-11

5. Physiology of Normal Palate;Surgical Atlas of Cleft Palate and Palatal Fistulae;2022







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