Expanding the Role of Educational Audiologists After a Failed Newborn Hearing Screening: A Quality Improvement Study


Sapp Caitlin1ORCID,Stirn Jonathan2,O'Hollearn Tammy3,Walker Elizabeth A.2ORCID


1. University of North Carolina Medical Center, Chapel Hill

2. University of Iowa, Iowa City

3. Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines


Purpose Lack of timely and proximal access to diagnostic hearing evaluation using auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing hampers the effectiveness of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs in the United States. This study measured the impact of a state-based quality-improvement (QI) project that provided diagnostic ABR equipment and training to educational audiologists distributed throughout Iowa in regional special education centers. Method We used de-identified administrative data generated by the state EHDI program to analyze markers of access to early hearing health care for infants in a preproject condition (“Baseline”) compared to the implementation of diagnostic ABRs at the regional special education centers (“QI Project”). Results Our findings revealed that the QI Project was associated with improvements in timeliness of first hearing evaluation, distance traveled for first hearing evaluation, and likelihood of receiving on-guideline audiology care during the first hearing evaluation. Conclusions Following the onset of the QI Project, infants and their families had greater access to initial hearing evaluation after failed newborn hearing screening. This improvement could have cascading effects on timeliness of later intervention among those with confirmed permanent childhood hearing loss.


American Speech Language Hearing Association


Speech and Hearing

Reference43 articles.

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3. Meeting the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Standards in a Large Metropolitan Children's Hospital: Barriers and Next Steps

4. Service accessibility for children with hearing loss in rural areas of the United States and Canada

5. Delays in Diagnosis of Congenital Hearing Loss in Rural Children

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