Introduction. One of the reasons for the development of many diseases primarily malignant is the increased expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Bevacizumab is a drug that neutralizes the biological activity of VEGF. The molecular structure of bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized antibody. Its use reduces vascularization in the foci of increased VEGF expression which slows down tumor growth and also helps restore vision in a number of ophthalmic diseases. To determine the concentration of bevacizumab in human biological fluids a test system based on Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is presented.Aim. Aim of this study is the validation of this test system.Materials and methods. Blank sera of volunteers, bevacizumab solution, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, solid-phase sandwich ELISA kit, microplate photometer.Results and discussion. The following characteristics of the test system were determined: the lower limit of quantification is 2.0 mcg/ml, the upper calibration range is up to 200 mcg/ml, the accuracy and precision within one series and between series does not exceed 20 %, and the total error of the method – 30 %, short-term stability for samples at room temperature – 6 hours, long-term stability – 14 days at –20 °C, the ability to freeze/thaw of samples is up to three times, the ability to determine samples with a concentration above the upper calibrator after diluting in 2 times.Conclusion. The results obtained fully comply with international acceptance criteria and allow the use of the ELISA test system manufactured by LLC "Probiotek" for use in the field of clinical laboratory diagnostics.
Center of Pharmaceutical Analytics Ltd