The Rise of ISIL: Reasons and Consequences


Vavilov A.1


1. Center for Civilizations Partnership, Institute of International Studies, MGIO University


The appearance in world politics of a dangerous phenomenon of the terrorist «Islamic state» was caused by a number of factors on global, regional and country levels. The worsening regional situation as a result of the overdue fundamental changes in turbulent development of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa is aggravated by an unlawful interference, dictated by the desire of some influential actors in the world politics to realize their geostrategic and geopolitical interests. As a result the international community has to confront a sharp rise of religious extremism that threatens to deepen a civilizational schism. Following steadfastenly a course on non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries in the region, Russia consistently appeals for the unification of the forces of the world community to address the new challenge to international stability and security.


Moscow State Institute of International Relations

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