Palaoro Luis Alberto,Blanco Ana Maria,Giongrande Juan Carlos
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types were investigated hy iri situ hybridization (ISH) in biopsiesfroin J8patients with diverse pathologies ofcervix uteri (7 condylomas, 1 CINI +HPV, 3 CIN II, 4 CIN II + HPV and 3 CIN III). Cervical sniears ofthe same patients were processed by Scanning Electron Mycroscopy (SEM) in order to study the configuration of sitrfaces ofcells infected hy different HPV types. Seven condylomas, I CIN I + HPV, 3 CIN II and 3 CIN II + HPV showed alinost identical surface configurations to those of normal cells (short, thin, homogeneous microvi lli o r typicai microridgesj. This group presented low, moderate and high risk HPV types in a episomal form, while I CINII + HPV and3 CINIII with integratedHPV 16/]8 exfoliatedcells covered with gross microvilli, with variahle length and uneven distribution, oran amorphous surface. The presence of HPV 16/18 cannot be sufficient for the development of an anormal configuration, hut the integrated State ofthis viral type coiild he related to the morphological changes in cellular surface morphology. The results of this paper underline the importance of viral integration in the genesis of cervical carcinoma.
Revista Brasileira De Cancerologia (RBC)
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