1. State Academic University for the Humanities; North-West Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA
2. State Academic University for the Humanities; Moscow State Institute of Culture
3. HSE University
4. North-West Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA
Corporate culture as it exists today is a cast of the Western European matrix, in which patriotic ideology is replaced by the values of the corporation and personal result. But modern realities form a new demand of society, moral principles and traditions develop modern legal relations. The human right to patriotic behavior is largely shaped by the system of religious and moral values that influenced Russian legislation long before the emergence of modern Russia.The purpose of the article (in the form of confirmation or refutation of a scientific hypothesis) is to analyze the value system of youth, legal realities and ideological features of the formation of the Russian state around the factors of Russian identity: family, society, country, state, person, to describe the possibility of their inclusion in the corporate culture (employer) as the basic principles of corporate governance.The method of group interview, the method of content analysis was chosen as the research method. The method of group interview or classroom analysis allows each of the participants of the discussion to speak freely on a particular problem, and during the discussion in the polemic to form a unified representation of the group on the problem.The respondents were students of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, aged 18 to 23 years, technical and humanitarian areas of training - a total of 150 people (110 humanities and 40 technical areas of training). During the survey, they were divided into groups of 7 to 10 people and the groups were asked to form an opinion on how they understand value, the group discussed the idea of value and recorded the definition and their understanding of this value. As part of the study, young people aged 18 to 23 years were consistently considered about their values, how these values form the factors of pentabasis, contribute to the formation of relationships with companies. Then, which factors of pentabasis most influence the formation of the value field of youth and which indicators can be identified as markers of the formed value. Further, in order to determine how the company forms the pentabasis factors, taking into account values and indicators, young people write down which indicators and values are characteristic of the cross-influence of pentabasis factors on each other. Thus, after we have considered the principles of the formation of legal awareness, it becomes transparently clear that when developing the principles of corporate culture, it is necessary to transfer to the factors of Russian identity. Patriotism in corporate communications, until they form a clear system of values for Russians, will be a superstructure that will not be fully realized in any corporation, since it is built on different values, which became clear to us when studying the history of legal awareness. Consequently, after the conducted research, we have described some conclusions on the principles of the formation of the ideology of corporate culture, which are based on the factors of Russian identity.
Dostoevsky Omsk State University
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