1. Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; Dostoevsky Omsk State University
The subject. The article discusses the legal regulation of investment tax incentives in China. The choice of the object of research is determined by the prospects of comparative legal studies of the experience of states bordering the territories of the Russian Far East, where numerous zones with special economic status have been created, within which preferential business regimes are applied.Purpose of the study. Despite the diversity of special economic zones in the Russian Federation and the constant creation of new zones, preferential regimes do not always prove their effectiveness. Based on the above, it seems very relevant to analyze the best international and national practices in order to develop criteria for the effectiveness and efficiency of preferential tax regimes for zones with special economic status.Thus, the specifics of the comparative legal method of research always consists in the fact that it is not necessary to borrow foreign experience, but it is also possible to find the best practices within domestic legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to ensure that Russian tax legislation laying the foundation for supporting innovation in our country.Methodology. The research was carried out with the application of the formally legal interpretation of legal acts as well as the comparative analysis of international and Chinese legal literature. Structural and systemic methods are also the basis of the research.The main results. As China seeks to transform from a mass producer of inexpensive goods to a high-end producer, the national government is making significant efforts to encourage targeted investment in research and development (R&D) and technological innovations. This has led to the fact that China has awarded the technology sector the title of strategic, and its state support has increased significantly.Сonclusions. On the base of the analysis of the main tax incentives in China, the author comes to the conclusion that a significant part of them is aimed at enterprises engaged in research and development, as well as technological innovations. Also, a significant part of tax benefits is provided to enterprises based on the choice of the geographical area of the company's establishment. The conclusion is made about the possibility of applying the Chinese experience in Russia in reforming preferential tax regimes.The support for companies in the technology sector in Russia is especially important due to the policy of recent years aimed at establishment of tax benefits for IT companies. Both Russia and China strive to promote the accelerated development of innovative industries, the implementation of priority investment projects, as well as the development of small business.
Dostoevsky Omsk State University
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