1. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, U.K.
New distributional and biological records are provided for wasps in the subfamily Miscogasterinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), reared from Diptera in Scotland and northern England. Thektogaster chrysis (Förster, 1861) is added to the British list based on specimens reared
from Gimnomera tarsea (Fallén) (Scathophagidae), a first host record for the genus. Rhicnocoelia constans (Walker, 1836) is reared from Loxocera sylvatica Meigen (Psilidae), the first European host record for the genus. Nodisoplata diffinis (Walker, 1874)
is reared from Egle spp. (Anthomyiidae) in Salix catkins, a first host record for the genus. Ardilea convexa (Walker, 1833) is reared from an Agromyzidae on Tripolium pannonicum, a first host record for the genus.
Pemberley Books (Publishing)