1. M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University
This article is devoted to the improvement of non-linguistic specialty students’ foreign language skills using problem-based learning. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of implementing problem-based learning methods in training of non-linguistic specialists. The objectives: to reveal the essence of problem-based learning; to describe the main methods of problem-based learning; to identify the advantages of proposed method in teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties. The study uses theoretical and empirical methods: analysis of scientific works on the topic of the research, observation and questionnaire.Currently, the use of PBL at English lessons is relevant, since it contributes to the intensification of professionally oriented training. The article reveals the concept of problem-based learning at the university and theoretically justifies its application in foreign language classes. In this study, samples of problem tasks used at foreign language lessons for students of non-linguistic specialties are proposed.The study will be useful for university teachers practicing problem-based learning, as well as educators dealing with the problem of forming foreign language professional communicative competencies of students of non-linguistic specialties.
Non-profit limited company "Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University"
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