A new type of single‑layer transrefleсtor structure based on microstrip reflective antenna array is described. The developed device is a single‑layer printed circuit board on one side of which a system of printed reflectors is located, and on the other is a polarization structure consisting of parallel metal conductors, in contrast to a microstrip reflectarray antenna. The shape and geometrical dimensions of printed reflectors arranged in a rectangular or hexagonal (triangular) pattern are chosen in such a way that they transform a spherical front of an incident vertically polarized electromagnetic wave into a flat front of reflected wave. In the case of irradiation of the developed transreflector with a horizontal polarization wave, the printed structure makes minimal electromagnetic energy loss during its passage. The results of characteristics modeling (including phase curves) of an element of the reflective lattice in the W‑band for different angles of incidence of the wave on the planar structure under study are given. Based on the results obtained, the sizes of the reflective elements of the transreflector, which provide for the correction of the incident wave with the necessary phase discrete, are determined and an electrodynamic model of the transreflector antenna is built. The simulation of the main radiation characteristics of the antenna with the developed single‑layer transreflector was carried out.
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