1. Federal Law of Russian Federation No. 102-FZ of 26.06.2008 «Ob obespechenii yedinstva izmereniy». (In Russian).
2. Federal Law of Russian Federation No. 184-FZ of 27.12.2002 «O tekhnicheskom regulirovanii». (In Russian).
3. GOST ISO/IEC17000–2012. Conformity assessment. Vocabulary and general principles. Moscow, Standardinform, 2014, 18 p. (In Russian).
4. RD50.1.046 2003. O vybore form i skhem obyazatel’nogo podtverzhdeniya sootvetstviya produktsii pri razrabotke tekhnicheskikh reglamentov. (In Russian). Available at: https://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4294816/4294816411.htm (accessed 21.05.2019).
5. ISO / IEC17025–2017. General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. ISO/IEC, 2017, 30 p.