Combination of information processing algorithms and the information system structure as a tool for building an information system of a network structure


Palguev D. A.1


1. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod


Formulation of the problem. The development of information systems for collecting, processing and exchanging radar information occurs, on the one hand, in the direction of improving the technical characteristics of information processing facilities and data transmission facilities, on the other hand, in the direction of improving information processing algorithms and the structure of the information system. This article summarizes the possibilities for the development of information systems in the second direction.Purpose. Development of a variant of building an information system with a fully connected network structure and intended for the collection, processing and exchange of radar information.Results. The development, as a tool for building an information system of a network structure, is based on an integrated approach that provides for the use of an algorithm without branching solutions for information processing, a network semi-connected structure itself and network algorithms, a higher level than the level of collection and processing, for organizing functioning of information exchange in the network. The short processing time of information when entering it into the system makes it possible to create a dynamic array of homogeneous radar data, updated when radar information arrives from sources.Practical significance. Information systems, wholly or partly built on the basis of such an integrated approach, are applicable in areas such as air traffic control systems; multi-beam and multi-range radars (ornithological, meteo, etc.), radars for security complexes, incoherent spatially-separated radar information sources, combined into a system (for example, for studying the ionosphere).


CRI Electronics


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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