1. Sashank Prasad, MD, is Associate Professor of Neurology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Program Director, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program; at the time of writing
2. Pavan A. Vaswani, MD, PhD, is a Chief Resident, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program, and is now Movement Disorders Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
3. At the time of writing, Joshua A. Budhu, MD, was a Chief Resident, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program, and is now a Neuro-Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham and Women's Hospital
4. At the time of writing, Sarah E. Conway, MD, was a Chief Resident, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program, and is now a Multiple Sclerosis Fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital
5. At the time of writing, Lauren R. Kett, MD, PhD, was a Chief Resident, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program, and is now a Neuromuscular Medicine Fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital
6. Silviya H.M. Eaton, MBA, MA, C-TAGME, is Director of Education, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program
7. Michael P. Bowley, MD, PhD, is an Instructor, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Program Director, Mass General-Brigham Neurology Residency Program