1. 1) Gillot, J. and W. M. Goldberger: Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp. Ser, 65(19), 36–42 (1969)
2. 2) International Critical Tables, vol. IV, p. 133, McGraw-Hill, New York (1928)
3. 3) Kagaku Kogaku Benran, p. 22, 26, Maruzen, Tokyo (1988)
4. 4) Kogan, V. B., V. M. Fridman and V. V. Kafarov: “Data Book of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium,” translated by M. Hirata, p. 747, Kodansha Scientific, Tokyo (1974)
5. Composition of solid condensate on a cold surface from a mixed organic vapor.