Recommendations development for the selection of information models of air conditioning in special purpose automated control systems


Хмелевський С.І.ORCID,Сай В.В.ORCID,Самокіш А.В.ORCID,Чекунова О.М.ORCID


The article presents the results of the analysis of the method of developing recommendations for the selection of information models of the air situation in automated control systems for special purposes. Psychophysical features and processes of operative thinking of the operator of automated control systems are analyzed. It is substantiated that the task of developing recommendations for the selection or development of information models is a priority in the construction of any information model of air conditions. It is proved that the methods of encoding and decoding information used to process received signals prompt and efficient assimilation of information by the operator of automated control systems. Requirements for the characteristics of signals transmitted to the operator and methods of their coding, taking into account the characteristics of visual analyzers, memory, operational thinking. It is determined that the proposed method of analysis and selection of information models makes it possible to process all the characteristics of the signals transmitted to the operator, taking into account the characteristics of visual analyzers, memory and operational thinking. Practical researches on the basis of the developed software product which have confirmed efficiency of this method for a choice of information models are carried out. In order to increase the efficiency of decision-making by the operator of automated control systems, it is proposed to highlight not only current information, but also possible options for the operator's actions in this situation. According to the results of research, which are reflected in this article, it is stated that the use of this method is appropriate for testing information models of the reflection of the air situation when deciding on the effectiveness of their application.


Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University KNAFU

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