In this paper the new model for the image noise is proposed. The video data is modelled as a sequence of images corrupted by the shot-noise. Shot-noise may occur due to the defect in the device’s hardware or in the camera’s sensor. This kind of noise effects not only the current image of the video sequence but also the subsequent images, the effect decays as time passes and disappears totally after a certain time period. The shot-noise process consists of the sequence of jumps that decay gradually as time passes. The times at which the jumps occur are Poisson distributed and the hight of the jumps is normally distributed. It can be proved that under certain conditions shot-noise process tends to Gaussian process. Therefore, it was proposed to apply Kalman filter to remove the noise and to restore the corrupted sequence of images. The numerical experiments that were carried out that show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for denoising the shot-noise corrupted videos.
Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University KNAFU
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