1. Program Studi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bakti Tunas Husada, Tasikmalaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi mikroalga sebagai mikroorganisme penghasil sumber protein dalam diversifikasi produk susu kedelai. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan uji mutu hedonik dengan lima perlakuan variasi susu kedelai (b/b) yang disubstitusi mikroalga untuk meningkatkan indeks nutraseutikal yaitu masing-masing 0,2% (produk A), 0,4% (produk B), 0,6% (produk C), 0,8% (produk D) dan 1,0 % (produk E). Diversifikasi produk terpilih diujikan kadar protein, lemak, cemaran logam dan cemaran mikroba. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa rerata kesukaan panelis terhadap warna, rasa, aroma, dan kekentalan produk tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05), diversifikasi produk yang dipilih terbanyak adalah (produk B) dengan respon kesukaan sebesar 74%. Hasil analisis produk (dalam 100 ml) mengandung kadar protein 3,61%, lemak 2,54%, pH 6,69, cemaran logam timbal ≤ 0,01 mg/l, tembaga 0,98 mg/l, seng 4,07 mg/l, timah ≤ 0,01 mg/l, merkuri ≤ 0,01 mg/l dan cemaran mikroba negatif salmonella, total kapang 1,3 CFU/ml, Esherichia coli 2 APM/ml dan kenaikan kadar protein sebelum dan setelah subtritusi mirolaga sebesear 0,33%. Kesimpulannya, diversifikasi produksi susu kedelai berbasis mikroalga dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan indeks nutraseutikal.Diversification of Soymilk Production Based on Autotrophic Microalgae to Improve Nutraceutical IndexAbstract Research is aimed to improve potential use of microalgae as protein microorganism producer in the manufacture of soy milk products. Hedonic quality test was used in the study with five variations on the treatment of soymilk (b/b) that was substituted with microalgae i.e. 0.2% (product A), 0.4% (product B), 0.6% (product C), 0.8% (product D), and 1.0% (product E). The modified products was tested for protein, fat, metal contamination, and microbial contamination. As results, the preference index of color, taste, aroma, and thickness of the product by panelists were not exhibited significant result (p>0.05), the most chosen product were (product B) with preference index of 74%.The analysis (per 100 ml) of protein, fat, and pH was 3.61%, 2.54%, and 6.69, respectively while metal, copper, zinc, lead, and mercury contamination was detected as 0.01, 0.98, 4.07, ≤ 0.01, ≤ 0.01 mg/l, respectively. Negative microbial contamination of salmonella was detected while the total mold was exhibited as 1.3 CFU/ml and Escherichia coli as 2 APM/ml. The increase of protein level before and after substitution with microalgae was detected as 0.33%. As conclusion, diversification of soymilk production based on microalgae might able to improve nutraceutical index of products.
Indonesian Food Technologists