1. Almaty Technological University
2. Mendel University
Beer is a popular low-alcohol drink with a pronounced hop aroma and some bitterness. In beer you can find a large number of various nutrients and biologically active substances, including trace elements and vitamins.Based on color, beer is divided into light and dark, and depending on the type of yeast used, into lowand top-fermented beer.However, this drink, depending on the type of beer containing from 2,5 to 11% ethyl alcohol, cannot be recommended to such segments of the population as drivers, pregnant women, athletes, patients with acute and chronic diseases, etc. Non-alcoholic beer is suitable for these groups, the demand for which has increased significantly recently.To obtain non-alcoholic beer, the permissible concentration of ethanol in which does not exceed 0,5%, physicochemical, technological and biochemical methods are used.This article examines yeast strains for the production of non-alcoholic beer. It was found that the physicochemical parameters of non-alcoholic beer fermented with a low-fermentable yeast strain A12 are quite comparable with non-alcoholic beer of domestic samples. In terms of organoleptic properties, the experimental beer has a rich taste. Also, with the help of this yeast strain, the fermentation process is simplified to a value of alcohol concentration within 0,5 vol.%.
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