1. Shakarim University of Semey
2. Erzurum Technical University
In this study, the antioxidant properties of extracts, the total content of phenols and flavonoids were studied from some essential oil medicinal plants growing on the territory of East Kazakhstan region, in particular yarrow (Latin Achillea) and wormwood (Latin Artemisia). Three solvents, distilled water, acetone and ethanol were used in the research work. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was determined by dpph, ABTS, β-carotene/linoleic acid and phenolic, flavonoid compounds. The results related to the applied methods and solvents (polar, apolar) were obtained. For example, the ABTS cationic radical removal method showed that the highest antioxidant activity in both plant types was demonstrated by the same acetone solvent (Achillea 344.11 and 0.06 mg/ml, Artemisia 198.26 and 0.07 mg/ml). DPPH showed the strongest effect of radical removal in distilled aqueous solvent (Achillea 245.82±1.59 mg/ml, Artemisia 300.53±1.18 mg/ml) in both species using the method of determining the activity of free radical removal. In addition, when studying total phenol, flavonoid compounds, the total amount of phenols in various solvent extracts obtained from Achillea ranged from 0.13 mg/ml from 59.71 to 0.13 mg/ml from 96.16 to 0.21 mg/ml, and the amount of flavonoids ranged from 0.11 mg/ml from 38.22 to 86.65 from 1.17 mg/ml. While the phenol content in Artemisia extracts ranged from 40.75 mg/ml to 113.56 mg/ml to 0.91 mg/ml, the flavanoid content ranged from 22.74 mg/ml to 74.94 mg/ml to 1.97 mg/ml.
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