Development of information technology for secure file storage based on hybrid cryptography methods


Manap A. T.1ORCID,Abitova G. A.1ORCID


1. Astana IT University


This article explores the development of information technology for secure file storage based on hybrid cryptography methods. It highlights the importance of secure file storage in the digital age and introduces hybrid cryptography as a solution for enhanced data security. The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and advancements in hybrid cryptography for secure file storage.The article discusses the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms and introduces hybrid cryptography as a combination of both. It delves into the advantages of hybrid cryptography, emphasizing its ability to provide robust security and efficient data protection. The use of hybrid cryptography in encryption at rest and encryption in transit is examined, highlighting its role in securing stored data and ensuring secure data transmission.Moreover, the article explores the authentication, integrity, and reliability features provided by hybrid cryptography. It discusses the importance of key management and its impact on secure file storage. 


Shakarim University

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