‘The Books to the Illiterate?’: Romani Publishing Activities in the Soviet Union, 1927–1938


Shapoval ViktorORCID


As one of the projects of the Soviet cultural revolution, the Gypsy project was notable for its unusual success in creating a new literary language and active book publishing. Among its achievements are both original fiction, textbooks and manuals in various fields of knowledge and technics. For instance, the elementary school was almost fully provided with necessary books in Romani. It is noteworthy that Roma women played an active role in the creation of new literature and proved to be not only translators, but also authors of original works in several genres. As the most hardworking author, N. Pankovo, who was distinguished by incredible productivity, should be noted. This project was regularly supported by the state, which allowed the distribution of books at reasonable prices. This project was stopped in 1938, which overwhelmed the narrow group of writers and activists, though it did not lead to fatal personal repressions against them.




Sociology and Political Science,Social Psychology

Reference64 articles.

1. Alpatov, V. M. (2000). 150 yazykov i politika. 1917–2000. Sotsiolingvisticheskie problemy SSSR i postsovetskogo prostranstva [150 languages and politics. 1917–2000. Sociolinguistic problems of the USSR and post-Soviet space]. Moscow: Kraft+, Institut vostokovedeniya RAN.

2. Balaban, A. N. (1938, March 6). Pis’ma Balabana A. N. Sokolovu Yuriyu Matveyevichu s prilozheniyem tsyganskogo fol’klora [Letters from A.N. Balaban to Yuriy Matveyevich Sokolov, with the supplement of Gypsy folklore] (Fond 483, Aids 1, Item 999). Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Moscow, Russia.

3. Barannikov, A. P., & Sergievskiy, M. V. (1938). Tsyganskorusskiy slovar [Romani–Russian dictionary]. Moscow: Gosudarsvennoye Izdatel’stvo Inostrannykh i Natsional’nykh Slovarey.

4. Bezl’udskiy, M. (1928, August 28). Eshche o nashey bane [Once more about our bath]. K trudovomu obshchezhitiyu.

5. Bezl’udskiy, M. (1929, November 7). Samodury [Petty tyrants]. K trudovomu obshchezhitiyu.

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