1. -BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
During the 2021–2022 study of predatory mites of the Altai Republic (Russia), six additional species of the family Stigmaeidae (Acari: Prostigmata) have been recorded, of which Stigmaeus neosolidus sp. n. and S. altaicus sp. n. are new to science. Eustigmaeus lacunus and Ledermuelleriopsis ariyai have been recorded from Russia for the first time and redescribed based on the materials from the Altai. Eustigmaeus collarti and Stigmaeus fusus have been recorded from the Altai Republic for the girst time.
Russian Science Foundation
Reference22 articles.
1. Beron, P. 2020. Acarorum catalogus VII: Trombidi-formes, Prostigmata, Raphignathoidea (Fam. Barbutiidae, Caligonellidae, Camerobiidae, Cryptognathidae, Dasythyreidae, Dytiscacaridae, Eupalopsellidae, Homocaligidae, Mecognathidae, Raphignathidae, Stigmaeidae, Xenocaligonellididae). Pensoft, National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. 306 pp.
2. Cooreman, J. 1955. Notes sui quelques Acariens des Alpes françaises, Mémories Societé royale d’entomologie de Belgique, 27: 162–170.
3. Doğan, S. 2006. A hygrophilic mite species: Eustigmaeus collarti (Cooreman 1955) (Acari, Stigmaeidae). Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6: 87–96.
4. Dönel, G. and Doğan, S. 2011. The stigmaeid mites (Acari: Stigmaeidae) of Kelkit Valley (Turkey). Zootaxa, 2942: 1–56.
5. Fan, Q.-H., Flechtmann C. H. W. and De Moraes, G. J. 2016. Annotated catalogue of Stigmaeidae (Acari: Prostigmata), with a pictorial key to genera. Zootaxa, 4176: 1–199.
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3 articles.