Materials selection and fabrication nanotechnology of the composite memristor-diode crossbar — the basis of neuroprocessor hardware implementation


Pisarev Alexander D.1ORCID,Busygin Alexander N.1,Bobylev Andrey N.1,Ebrahim Abdulla H.1,Gubin Alexey A.1,Udovichenko Sergey Yu.1


1. University of Tyumen


To examine the operation of the memory and logic matrices of the neuroprocessor, it is necessary to produce a laboratory composite memristor-diode crossbar, which is the basis of these matrices. For this purpose, the authors of this article have chosen materials and fabrication nanotechnology of Zener diode semiconductor layers and a memristor layer that provide optimal characteristics of the diode and memristors. This article shows that magnetron-sputtering method is optimal for fabrication of both diodes and memristors. Thus, all of composite memristor-diode crossbar layers, including conducting paths, can be fabricated in single technological module. ZnOx was chosen as the n-type semiconductor, the carrier concentration in which is controlled by changing the stoichiometry of the compound during reactive magnetron sputtering. The second p-type layer of the diode was obtained by magnetron sputtering of a silicon target doped with boron. The results show that for the p-Si/ZnOx heterojunction, there is an optimal molar fraction of zinc, which provides the best characteristics of the diode, and an increase in the doping level of the p-Si layer leads to an increase in the nonlinearity of the current-voltage characteristic and a decrease in the voltage of the reversible breakdown. The greatest stability of electrical parameters — switching voltages and resistances in high-conductive and low-conductive states — was achieved in a memristor with doped titanium oxide W/TixAl1-xOy/TiN, which is due not only to the choice of mixed oxide, but also to the choice of its fabrication technology. The measured current-voltage characteristics of separate cells prove the operability of fabricated memristor-diode crossbar. The authors show that the high resistance of the closed diode leads to the almost complete disappearance of the reverse branch of the memristor current — voltage characteristic, since the small resistance of the memristor is lost against the background high resistance of the diode. The developed unified nanotechnology for fabricating a combined memristor-diode crossbar allows the production of ultra-large memory and logic matrices of a neuroprocessor based on one technological module with reactive magnetron sputtering.


Российский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследований


Tyumen State University

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