Contemporary secondary school: what is the competitive edge of a school graduate?


Shafranov-Kutsev Gennadiy F.1ORCID,Gulyaeva Lyudmila V.1ORCID


1. University of Tyumen


In the context of the contemporary educational process, researchers consider competitiveness as a system-forming category. On the one hand, they reflect on the level of formation of basic skills and competencies of a person, and on the other — on the range of adaptive capabilities of a person in a system of the changing social relations. This article aims to analyze the main factors affecting the formation of competitiveness among the contemporary high school students. The results of this study indicate that the most significant factors contributing to the development of competitiveness include social activity, initiative, hard work, readiness for constant self-development, and actualization of personal potential. According to the surveyed respondents, the listed qualities become a prerequisite for successful studying and socializing of high school students, as well as for their further and professional development after graduation.


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation


Tyumen State University

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