1. (1) T. Kubota, On the theory of closed convex surfaces, Proc. of the London Math, Soc. Ser. 2, 14 (1914), 231-239; or Science Reports, Tôhoku Imp. Univ. Ser. 1, 3 (1914), 277-287.
2. (2) T. Kojima, On characteristic property of the conic and quadric, Science Reports, Tôhoku Imp. Univ. Ser. 1, 8 (1919), 67-78.
3. (3) W. Blaschke, Leipziger Berichte, 69 (1916), 50-55; or Vorlesungen II, 119-121.
4. (4) E. Salkowski, Zur Theorie der Affingesimsflächen, Math. Zeits. 17 (1923), 144-148. Though the same nomination was used, our surfaces are quite different from those investigated by Salkowski.
5. (5) While I was reading the proof sheets of this paper, I received the January number of Mathematische Annalen, 98 (1928), in which I found this class of surfaces treated by Dr. W. Süss: Ein affingeometrisches Gegenstück zu den Rotationsflächen, 684-696.