Aim: In this study, it was aimed to examine the eating attitudes of university students according to demographic variables.Material-Method: A total of 462 students (Xage = 21.13 ± 1.85), 228 female (Xage = 21.01 ± 1.91) and 234 male (Xage = 21.26 ± 1.78) participated to the research who are studying at Mersin University in the 2021-2022 spring academic year. “Demographic Information Form” and “Eating Attitude Test” were used in the study. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, t-test, Anova Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were applied.Findings: As the findings obtained in the study, it was seen that the eating attitudes of the students didn’t change significantly according to the gender variable (t=-1.17, p=.24, p>.05). Another findings is that the eating attitudes of university students don’t differ significantly according to the variable of place of living (f=1.14, p=.33, p>.05). Also, it was observed that the totel scores of the university students’s eating attitudes test didn’t differ significantly according to the variable of the faculty they were educated in (f=1.45, p=.17, p>.05).Conclusion: It can be thought that university students who have similiar lifestyle behaviors plays a role on the similarity of eating attitudes; Also they don’t differ according to variables such as gender, the place they live and faculty. Based on the data gotten, it is recommended to conduct new studies by considering other variables that may affect the eating attitudes of university students.
Mersin Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Lokman Hekim Tip Tarihi ve Folklorik Tip Dergisi
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