1. 1. Pouchelle MC. The body and surgery in the middle ages. Morris R, translator. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers University Press; 1990.
2. 2. Gurlt EJ. Geschichte der Chirurgie. Berlin: Hirschwald; 1898.
3. 3. Gersdorff Hv. Feldtbuch der Wundartzney. Strassburg: Schott; 1517.
4. 4. Paré A. Ten books of surgery with the magazine of the instruments necessary for it. Linker RW, Womack N, translators. Athens (GA): University of Georgia Press; 2010.
5. 5. Paré A. The works of that famous chirurgion ambrose parey translated out of latine and compared with the french. Young R, translator. London: Thomas, J; 1634.