1. Berman, Marshall. 1988. All That is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity. New York: Viking Press.
2. Davison, Jim. 1986. ‘Introduction’. In The Sydney-Melbourne Book, edited by Davison, Jim. Sydney: Allen & Unwin: 3–24.
3. Fitzgerald, Shirley. 1989. ‘The Garden Palace and Sydney’s International Exhibition’. In Significant Sites and Public Works in New South Wales, edited by Coltheart, Lenore. Sydney: Hale and Iremonger: 67–93.
4. Gibbons, Robert. 1980. ‘Improving Sydney 1908–1909’. In Twentieth Century Sydney: Studies in Urban and Social history, edited by Roe, Jill. Sydney: Hale and Iremonger: 121–133.
5. Hart, R.A. 1965. The Great White Fleet: Its Voyage Around the World. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.