Reflexological stimulation of the sexual function of ewets in the farm of the Rostov region


Finageev E.1,Kuznetsova T.1


1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


Purpose: optimizing the reproduction of sheep in the economy of the Rostov region.Materials and methods. 3 groups of disemeters of 50 goals in each were formed. In the first experimental group, the disemeted was in a meticulous manner with a ram-industrialist (artificial kriproporchid), in the second experimental-with a penEexctomed ram-industrialist. In the third (control) group, a producer ram was used. In the first experimental group of a ram-industrialist (artificial kriproporchid) with attached taps were released into a group of sheep twice a day for 1.5-2 hours. In the second experimental group of a penEctomed ram, it was placed in the corral to the disemetery in the morning for 3 hours. In the third group, the lamb producer was constantly with the disemets for two weeks, then he was changed on a new ram i.e. Used the methodology used in the farm. During the experiment, they observed the behavior of animals of all groups. In the experimental groups, after the detection of disemeters in the hunt, their natural insemination of the manufacturer was carried out. Based on the results of the subsequent oster, the effectiveness of the reproduction of sheep was evaluated.Results. The results we get indicate the effectiveness of the reflexological stimulation of the sexual function of females using rams-industry. So in groups where the male industrialists used to hunt and were fruitfully inseminated 96 % and 98 % of the disemeters, respectively. 54 and 53 lambs per 50 uterus were received from them, 6 twin in the first group and 4 in the second. In the control group, with the constant presence of the manufacturer, 82 % of the disemeted were fruitfully inseminated, from which 44 lambs were received by 50 queens, which is explained by an increased load on the male. There was only 3. The third group was only 3. The method of stimulating females with the help of rams-industrialists allows you to increase the amount of offspring and rationally operate the ramps of manufacturers.


Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding


General Medicine

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