1. South Ural State Agrarian University
Purpose. The association of protein metabolism in the body of Holsteinized Black-and-White heifers with age and the amount of metals circulating in the blood was studied.Materials and methods. An experienced group of clinically healthy chicks (n = 20) with a golstinized black and qualifier breed (blood content 75%) is formed on the principle of close analogues [2]. The diet of animal feeding was regulated by VIZh, provided with feeds of its own production, of which the permissible level of nickel and copper was exceeded 1.30-1.50 times. Blood samples were received from the jugular vein using vacuum systems, in the morning before feeding. They were used to determine: 1) the amount of heavy metals using the atomic - aborbion spectrometer quantum -2a (Russia); 2) the concentration of protein amenders: total protein, albumin (ALB), urea, activity of Alat and Asat using ready-made sets of the Vector Best (Novosibirsk). The calculation method determines the content of globulins (GL), the protein coefficient (alb/GL, the concorine), the value of the coefficient of de Ritis (asat/alat, the concorine), the value of the total protein/urea (conc. ), Alb/urea (settlement unit) and GL/urea (settlement unit).Results. It was revealed that the age of 9 months is “critical”, since the level of nickel and lead intake into the animal organism reaches the lower limit of the regional reference interval, increasing the volume of catabolic reactions. Therefore, in the blood of heifers, compared with 3 months of age, the level of total protein, albumin, activity of AST and ALT decreases by 8.41; 21.71; 39.76 and 8.10 %, but the concentration of urea increases by 2.88 times due to the predominant breakdown of albumins (the Alb/Urea ratio decreases by 3.68 times). Starting from the age of 9 months, the volume of “catabolic processes” in the body of heifers decreases, which determines an increase in the blood concentration of total protein, albumin, globulins and ALT activity by 29.71; 69.65; 10.73 and 16.12% and a decrease in urea by 1.86 times. At the same time, the concentration of metals, especially nickel and lead, in the blood of heifers reaches the level at which they begin to significantly affect protein metabolism, as evidenced by correlations with the amount of albumin (r(Alb-Ni)=0.63-0.78; r(Alb-Pb)=0.58- 0.81), globulins (r(Gl-Ni)= 0.53-0.75; r(Gl-Pb)= -0.57--0, 85) and ALT activity (r(AlAT-Ni)=0.54-0.76; r(AlAT-Pb)=0.56- 0.66). According to the number of statistically significant or close correlations, metals are arranged in the following order: Ni > Pb > Cu > Cd, which reflects the level of their accumulation in the animal body and the impact on protein metabolism.
Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding