The treatment paradigm shift in CLL has uprooted many clinicians’ standard practices. Previously, treatment largely depended on age, organ function and “fitness” based on clinical trials which used CIRS (cumulative illness rating scale) scores. Today, as a hematologist who mainly treats patients with CLL, treatment strategies are more complex and multi-factorial. Treatments are based on molecular profiling, which aids in the identification of lower-risk patients for time-limited treatment options versus higher-risk patients (IGVH unmutated, del 17p or TP534 ) who benefit from continuous therapies. The highest-risk patients can be identified using a staging system for CLL known as the CLL-International Prognostic Index (CLL-IPI). However, increased CIRS scores are prognostic for poor outcomes independent of the CLL-IPI. As a result, selecting the right treatment for the right individual has never been more important, especially in the era of novel therapeutics. This treatment selection decision pathway includes understanding both patient factors and medical factors that may influence patient outcomes.