1. Riga Technical University
Eutrophication-promoting phosphorous loads originating from wastewater treatment plants are commonly controlled by chemical precipitation in the tertiary treatment phase. However, this approach is costly and generates additional waste. Therefore, inexpensive and sustainable methods for wastewater post-treatment are wanted. The artificial aquatic food-web that performs wastewater phycoremediation by algae and subsequent biomass harvest by filter-feeding organisms not only requires low energy consumption but also produces biomass for treatment process cost recovery. Still, the knowledge on its performance at different scales and under different climates are limited. In this review, the application possibilities of the artificial aquatic food-web for domestic wastewater post-treatment is discussed, focusing on its use in cold climate regions. Considering the reduced biological activity of aquatic organisms at low ambient temperature, possible solutions for its performance and prospect application at low temperatures are suggested. Finally, directions for future research regarding the practical use of artificial aquatic food-web are highlighted.
Vytautas Magnus University