
Nikolaeva Larisa1,Zainullina Eleonora1,Safina Gulshat1


1. Kazan state energy university


A closed-cycle technology for building gypsum producing using energy waste and flue gases of thermal power plants has been developed. The technology is based on an absorption method for purifying gas emissions from industrial enterprises from sulfur dioxide SO2 using a suspension of carbonate sludge and obtaining a finished product – gypsum dihydrate. The commercial gypsum is obtained by using a suspension of carbonate sludge as a reagent. The suspension is formed at the stage of preliminary purification of natural water during coagulation and liming. Coagulation is carried out with ferrous sulfate heptate FeSO4×7H2O, liming – with a saturated solution of lime milk Ca(OH)2. As a result of combining the two processes, a suspension of a certain chemical composition is formed. The chemical composition of the sludge and its technological characteristics are presented. The main substance in the chemical composition is calcium carbonate CaCO3, which allows using a sludge suspension in the chemical reaction of the interaction of flue gases from thermal power plants with the formation of building gypsum. An absorber with a fluidized nozzle has been selected and designed to purify gas emissions from wet suspensions and produce commercial dihydrate gypsum. Hollow or solid hydrophobic polyethylene balls were selected as nozzles to reduce the adhesion of sludge suspension particles to their surface. A technological scheme is presented for purifying flue gases from sulfur dioxide to obtain the finished product – building gypsum. The scheme includes the proposed adsorber, sludge suspension tank, hydrocyclone and filter press. The cost of the resulting commercial building gypsum was calculated, which amounted to 15 rub./year, the payback period was 3,5 years. The prevented environmental harm from soil and land degradation from the introduction of this technology at thermal power plants was calculated by reducing the emission of sulfur dioxide into the air, which amounted to about 1 mil. rub./year.


St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

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