
Samigullin Gafur1ORCID,Zakharov Alexandr2


1. Saint Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

2. Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia


Due to the increase in oil production and production of petroleum products, as well as their transportation and storage, the range and sizes of reservoirs are increasing. For this purpose, polymer tanks are widely used at Russian enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, including mobile tank farmsand oil depots for the operational storage of oil and petroleum products. However, the polymer materials from which the tanks are made are flammable, which increases their fire hazard level. An assessment of the possibility of fire escalation has been carried out using the example of an oil depot model for storing motor fuels in polymer elastic tanks. The results of calculating the dangerous factors of a spill fire during depressurization of polymer elastic tanks with gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as a graph of the dependence of the intensity of thermal radiation during the ignition of these tanks, are presented in tabular form, and an event tree is constructed. The parameters characterizing the possible escalation of a fire at a motor fuel storage site under quasi-stationary conditions have been determined. A methodology is proposed that allows assessing the possibility of realizing the escalating nature of a fire at facilities for storing and handling motor fuels in polymer elastic tanks, and recommendations are also given to prevent the progressive nature of the development of negative events and reduce damage in case of fire.


St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

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