1. Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
It is shown that numerous devices contain their own electrical power sources that use a significant number of bipolar transistors and thyristors of medium and high power, which require additional cooling in the form of external radiators to remove excess heat. For their manufacture, in addition to traditional alloys based on aluminum, materials such as polymers with fillers of high thermal conductivity are promising. A composite surface saturation technology is proposed that uses boron nitride nanocrystals to reduce thermal resistance at the interface. It has been established that the heat-conducting properties both along and across the polymer fibers, as the content of the nanocrystalline form of boron nitride increases to 25 %, they increase and reach a value of 21,3 W/(m K). This value is more than twice the possible maximum thermal conductivity coefficient in the absence of a graphene layer: 9,8 W/(m K) with a boron nitride mass content of up to 50 %. Due to its characteristics, polymer/graphene composite material has promise as a material for cooling devices with high energy density.
St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia
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